Our most fundamental commitment is that of seeking superior risk-adjusted returns for our clients. To that end, we believe our investing practices should reflect an evolving understanding and treatment of the real-world risks and opportunities relevant to the assets that we manage for our clients. Investors who are better prepared to meet change will be better positioned to reduce the financial, operational, and reputational risk of their investment portfolios while enhancing value creation and revenue potential over the longer-term.
“We are committed to generating compelling risk-adjusted returns for our clients over the longer term and believe that sustainable investing has an important role to play in protecting the value of private markets portfolios.”

Natasha Buckley
Sustainable Investing
Our approach

Invest with a broader lens to make well-informed decisions. Manage portfolio risk and support value creation.

Report to stakeholders and support industry standards. Anticipate and comply with sustainability-related regulation.

Add value to our partnerships and clients. Strive to be a responsible corporate citizen.
Our portfolio risk monitoring
As of December 31, 2024

Climate Opportunities Initiative
Constructed cross-asset class solution for investors to focus on decarbonization and climate technology.

Natural capital
Engaged a specialist biodiversity consultant to advise on strategy aligned to Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

Onboarded a climate and biodiversity assessment software to enhance due diligence and monitoring of physical and transition risks and opportunities.

Sustainability Forum
Launched a global consortium of HarbourVest professionals support the work of our Sustainable Investing program.

Through participation in PESMIT and the iCI, co-sponsored the development of the Private Markets Decarbonization Roadmap to aid in tracking asset-level decarbonization progress.

Portfolio company data insights
Leveraged EDCI membership to access 13,000+ data points across over 850 companies.

Greenhouse gas emissions data
Partnered with Persefoni to develop a database of estimated emissions for portfolio companies.

Joined EDCI to signal support for streamlined and comparable sustainability data in private markets.

Chief DEI Officer
Hired first Chief DEI Officer.

Sustainable Markets Initiative
Peter Wilson joined the Private Equity CEO Taskforce of the Sustainable Markets Initiative.

Initiative Climat International
HarbourVest's Sustainable Investing lead named global coordinator of iCI for 2022 and 2023.

Climate disclosure
Published first TCFD Report.

GRESB Member
Joined the Global Benchmark for Real Assets.

Implemented use by all HarbourVest investment teams to help identify and monitor ESG and business conduct risks.

DEI Council
Created to drive opportunity for all, mutual respect, and global strength across the firm.

Stewardship Initiative
Created to leverage investment strengths towards positive impact.

Sustainable Investing Program Lead
Hired first lead of Sustainable Investing program.

Sustainable Investing Council
Established council structure to provide senior leadership and oversight of the Sustainable Investing program.

Sustainable Investing Policy
Adopted first Sustainable Investing Policy.

PRI Signatory
Committed to adhere to the six Principles for Responsible Investment.

Cleantech strategy
Launched first of two cleantech funds focused on investments catalyzing global sustainability.

More HarbourVest insights

HarbourVest Sustainable Investing Report 2024