ESG data insights
We believe a GP’s ESG policies, processes, and resources can be an indicator for fund excellence and should be considered alongside other investment indicators accordingly. Our proprietary ESG Manager Scorecard provides an overall ESG rating for GPs based on an assessment formed by evaluating three key scorecard indicators:

Partnership management
- Quality of ESG policy and ability to execute on commitments
- Commitments to areas such as climate change and DEI

- Sophistication and mechanics behind processes for considering ESG factors in investment decision-making and portfolio engagement

Reporting and transparency
- Quality of reporting and incident monitoring
- Commitment to proactively and transparently engage with LPs on ESG activities
We compile our ESG Scorecard data annually to assess GP rankings and identify trends. This year’s analysis draws from a dataset of 270 GPs as of November 2023.
ESG Scorecard ranking methodology: All scores run from 0.0 (lowest) to 4.0 (highest). A 4.0 ranking represents a level of best practice that is not market standard; we set a deliberately high bar to give the more advanced managers room to improve.
ESG overall
No Data Found
Climate change
No Data Found
No Data Found
ESG overall by geography
No Data Found
ESG overall by investment strategy
No Data Found
The ESG scorings used in this document are for illustrative purposes only and there is no guarantee these scorings will have any bearing on the performance of any GP/managers the fund invests with, or on investments made by the fund, nor that they represent any GP/manager.
Breaking down the data
From our most recent benchmarking analysis, we generally found improvements across assessed metrics, albeit at a moderate scale. This gradual improvement is consistent with our expectations, as thoughtful ESG programs take time and investment to build.
ESG Overall
A tighter concentration of scores in the upper ranges indicates that most GPs have established ESG process, policy, and resourcing. We continue to generally observe the most sophisticated practices from European GPs and those that are focused on the buyout market.
Climate Change
While we noted an uptick in the proportion of GPs that have developed a climate change strategy, most GPs still have much work to do on climate risk analysis, emissions data collection, and target-setting. Due to the nascency of climate change methodology and guidance in private equity, this is unsurprising, and we expect that industry progress will support GPs in moving forward on developing their approach to climate change.
Of the three main outputs of our Scorecard, we generally saw the most progress from GPs on DEI. This included improvements in monitoring workplace diversity and more robust initiatives to drive diversity.

ESG process, policy, and resourcing
82% have an ESG policy
31% are PRI signatories
30% have dedicated ESG resourcing

Reporting and transparency
27% track ESG KPIs
27% have ESG on their LPAC agenda as standard
34% produce an annual ESG report

Climate change
29% have developed and 33% are committed to developing a climate change strategy
6% make TCFD-aligned disclosures
16% have conducted climate risk mapping of the portfolio
20% conduct carbon footprint analysis of portfolios

60% have a DEI/anti-harassment policy
71% monitor workplace diversity
24% conduct anti-bias/conscious inclusion training
71% have recruitment initiatives in place to drive DEI
28% have thoughtful policies in place to improve retention
17% have mentorship programs
In 2022, we screened 200 incidents through RepRisk and selectively engaged with GPs on 38 reports which we considered to be potentially material. These engagements demonstrate the quality of our partnerships with GPs and allow us to better understand their ESG risk management and incident response capabilities.

RepRisk by the numbers
(in 2022)
active companies tracked by HarbourVest
GPs tracked by HarbourVest
incidents screened by HarbourVest
direct engagements* linked to RepRisk data
*Direct engagements reflect only the number of completed engagements as of 12/31/22 and does not include engagements that were initiated in 2022 but still ongoing as of year-end.
ESG Data Convergence Initiative
We believe data convergence and industry consistency will, among other benefits, help reduce the fast-increasing ESG reporting burden felt by LPs, GPs, and portfolio companies alike. In 2022, we became supporters of the EDCI, an LP-GP collaboration that seeks to standardize ESG metrics and provide a means of comparative reporting and benchmarking on ESG for private companies.
In 2023, we reached out to the EDCI-member GPs that we actively invest with and requested company-level EDCI data where available. We were pleased with the results of this first-time exercise which gave us ESG KPI coverage for 15% of the portfolio by current value. As more GPs support the EDCI and implement the process into their engagements with portfolio companies, HarbourVest will increasingly build a more complete dataset of ESG metrics of the companies in which we invest.
As a more immediate initiative, we incorporated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from GPs into our broader estimated emissions dataset, thereby enhancing the overall data quality of our 2022 emissions reporting exercise. We remain committed to the EDCI and its objectives and will continue to encourage our GPs to support the initiative, collect standardized KPIs across portfolio companies, and report the data to the EDCI and their investors.

EDCI by the numbers
(as of September 2023)
GP members
Percentage of HarbourVest GPs that are EDCI supporters
GP EDCI supporters that provided HarbourVest with portfolio company-level data
Companies in total dataset
Percent coverage of HarbourVest portfolio companies by current value
Number of ESG metrics in dataset
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